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With Google being the number one search engine it is important to optimize your business’ online presence to give your company a good reputation. Google has created their own ranking system to rank your business based on certain components of your website and the information available for your company on Google. There are many different ways to improve your ranking but here are 5 great ways improve ranking on Google Maps and Google Search.

Claim your business 

One of the first things you need to do when starting to use Google My Business Listing is to claim your business.  You must claim your business to have your website appear on Google Maps search results.  When your business is not claimed, anyone can claim it and that can be a big problem. Someone else could act as the business owner and ruin your company’s reputation.  This could also take up to a month to fix and get your listing back, so it is very important to claim your business as soon as possible.

Make your website user friendly

Nobody likes a webpage that takes forever to load or one that is hard to navigate. Statistics show 79% of online shoppers who had a bad experience on a website are less likely to buy from that same site again.  Many people will leave a site immediately and go to another one if the website is unresponsive. An unresponsive website looks bad on cell phones and tablets. It loosing ranking on Google and views. The website needs a good design customers can navigate through and easily complete a transaction. If you improve these parts of your website you will see an improvement in your ranking almost immediately.

Complete your profile on Google listing

When businesses appear on Google Maps you will see basic information about the company.  This includes Phone number, address, website, updates, Facebook, hours, etc.  The more information you have available for Google the better your ranking will be. Leaving blanks will only make you less credible. This is a very simple fix that could help you get more traffic to your website.

Add photos to your listing

Every business has photos shown for their business whenever they appear in searches on Google Maps. Some businesses do not have any photos uploaded for their business so they have low credibility compared to ones that have multiple photos uploaded.  It is important to know that not just any photo is good. The photo has to relate to the business. It is good to have a photo of your business from the street view so people know what to look out for.  Also have photos of your products, so if you have a restaurant you would want photos of some of your best dishes.

Adjust links

Having links to your website is a great way to improve your Google ranking if done right.  Links are when people can go from another website to yours with just one click.  Many business use backlinks to generate a lot of website traffic and it is a great way to expand your customer base.  Links are only good when they come from a credible website that is ranking well by Google.  If you have links from poorly ranked websites that could decrease your ranking.  Overtime links do develop some issues and some become broken links.  Broken links are when you click on the link and it ends up being an error and nothing will pop up.  So as long as you use links correctly they can help improve your rank drastically.

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